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Knight's Mild (3.4% abv)

Knight's Mild (3.4% abv) 938 1125 Flowerpots Inn & Brewery

Knight's Mild Brewed in our distinctive Flower Pots style, here is our take on a traditional easy drinking…

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Fullback (3.8% abv)

Fullback (3.8% abv) 1875 2250 Flowerpots Inn & Brewery

Fullback - Rugby Special! Six Nations rugby always gets us going, even if some of our brewers are…

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"The Outreach Society"

"The Outreach Society" 150 150 Flowerpots Inn & Brewery

"The Outreach Society" Saturday just gone, the Inn Regulars, otherwise known as "The Flower Pots Outreach Society", held…

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Golden Bitter (4.3% abv)

Golden Bitter (4.3% abv) 1674 2345 Flowerpots Inn & Brewery

Golden Bitter (4.3% abv) New special on the scene.  We went wild with the hops and maybe we…

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50 consecutive years in the Good Beer Guide

50 consecutive years in the Good Beer Guide 1600 1067 Flowerpots Inn & Brewery

50 consecutive years in the Good Beer Guide Back in August, on the opening day of our Beer…

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New Cask Washer

New Cask Washer 2048 1536 Flowerpots Inn & Brewery

New Cask Washer A few weeks ago, we welcomed Tim Crane to the Brewery to commission our new…

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Pastures Old (5.8% abv)

Pastures Old (5.8% abv) 150 150 Flowerpots Inn & Brewery

Brewed for Christmas Brewed back in the summer for the Christmas season, our Pastures Old is an Old…

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Four Candles (3.5% abv)

Four Candles (3.5% abv) 500 367 Flowerpots Inn & Brewery

A Festive Friend A festive friend, Four Candles (3.5% abv) is our seasonal end of year special packed…

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The "Pots" Barn 2024

The "Pots" Barn 2024 5516 3727 Flowerpots Inn & Brewery

The Barn The Barn Many of you may be visiting the Pots this winter.  If so, please have…

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Beer Awards

Beer Awards 1600 1200 Flowerpots Inn & Brewery

2024 Beer Awards Every brewery is award winning and rightly so.  We produce an amazing range of beers…

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    Mon - Sat
    12.00 - 23.00
    12.00 - 22.30


    Mon - Thurs
    12.00 - 14.30
    Fri - Sun
    12.00 - 16.00

    Tues - Sat
    18.00 - 21.00



    Mon - Fri

    Mon - Sat
    10.00 - 18.00
    12.00 - 16.00

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